Empowering Women and Girls

Helping women from the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda to attend The Barefoot College in India
With every initiative that The Gorilla Organization sets up, from farming and education to solar power skills training, women raise up their communities and teach other women.
Helping women gain independence.
The majority of our indigenous farmers and our farmer trainers are women. They learn skills that allow them to provide for their families, and they take the initiative to pass them on to other women. In our educational programmes such as Children for Sustainable Conservation, the majority of our members are young girls who benefit from the extra educational classes that we offer.
The Gorilla Organization has helped women from the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda to attend The Barefoot College in India. They return equipped with the skills and knowledge to bring electricity and light to remote communities, reducing pressure on the forest for income and fuel, and allowing people to work and study at night.
In many parts of Africa, women and girls suffer disproportionately high rates of violence and extreme poverty, especially during times of conflict. Women are often expected to produce many children, work full time in the fields tending the crops, and to fulfil the traditional role of housewives for their husbands. The Gorilla Organization has a huge interest in helping these women gain independence and contribute towards their confidence.

How your gift will help
- Send more women to The Barefoot College to become Solar Sisters
- Supply equipment to electrify remote communities through solar power
- Provide extra educational classes which are very popular with young girls
- Reduce reliance on dangerous and expensive kerosene lanterns
- Fund sustainable farming training