Urgent Appeal

Itombwe Grauer’s Gorillas

Unless we can protect Itombwe’s Grauer’s gorillas, they will all be gone

Itombwe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is home to some of the largest intact mountain forests in the entire world. These emerald woodlands stretch on for mile after mile. In fact, looking out from one of the ridgelines, it feels like the trees go on for ever and ever. These forests are incredibly precious. And most importantly, they’re one of the last refuges for Grauer’s gorillas.

But for how much longer?

Grauer’s gorillas have been slaughtered at a terrifying rate in recent years

Itombwe was once very isolated, but illegal hunters, illegal miners and armed militias have been flooding in, lured by the money to be made from gold. They all need food. And while they may not set out to kill gorillas, gorillas are certainly being killed – in deadly traps and with guns. If we can’t stop it, the gorillas will all be gone – forever.

There are two groups of very special people who are standing between Itombwe’s gorillas and extinction. The first are our brave and selfless rangers. They’re prepared to put their lives on the line every day to save these magnificent creatures.

But the rangers depend entirely on another group of equally special people to keep up their lifesaving work. Supporters like you are just as important in the battle to protect gorillas as are the rangers. In fact, you stand behind everything they do.

Will you become an ‘honorary ranger’?

I know how much you care about gorillas. But they face greater danger now than ever before. Which is why I hope so much that you’ll make a donation to help protect them today. I also hope that you’ll accept my special invitation to become an ‘honorary ranger’.

As an ‘honorary ranger’ you’ll be there in spirit every time a ranger sets out into the heart of the forest. You’ll be with them every step of the way as they work to protect the gorillas we all love so much. And you’ll be helping them as they destroy traps and keep illegal hunters away from gorilla families.

It may not be as thrilling as going out on patrol with the rangers yourself, but it is the next best thing. And most importantly, you’ll be helping to save Itombwe’s precious Grauer’s gorillas.

Grauer’s have suffered terribly in the last few years

Before the turn of the millennium, there were as many as 17,000 of these gentle giants. But we know their numbers have fallen massively in recent years. The last census estimated that fewer than 4,000 remained – a drop of more than 70 per cent. We simply can’t let that go on.

Unless we can protect Itombwe’s Grauer’s gorillas, they will all be gone. And they will never come back.

How your gift can help save gorillas from extinction

Everything we do to protect gorillas depends on the generosity of supporters like you. Without your support, rangers would be powerless to save gorillas’ lives. Anything you give today will be put to work where it can make the greatest difference to our vital work.

£36 could keep a ranger in the forest for more than two weeks while they carry out vital surveys of the biodiversity of Itombwe – so that we know exactly what we need to protect.

£52 could support a ranger on patrol in Itombwe for a whole month, keeping gorillas away from the guns and deadly traps of illegal poachers.

£208 could cover the cost of a whole team of rangers for a month – protecting many gorilla families and keeping them safe from human hunters and diseases.

£624 could pay for a ranger for an entire year in Itombwe – giving them the rations, equipment and shelter they need to save Grauer’s gorillas from extinction.

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