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Here you can find official statements, field notes and press releases from the team.

Plus you can also stay up-to-date with our latest events and other announcements.

Gorilla Thirst Appeal: Urgent action needed

Climate change brings a deadly new threat for mountian gorillas

Gorilla Lifeline Appeal

Every baby gorilla gives hope for the future. But it's also a cause for fear...

Forests Appeal: Give Gorillas Home and Hope

The forests that gorillas depend upon are vanishing, pushing them ever closer to extinction

Cleaning up in Kisoro: Counting the Cost of Mudslides

Homes, lives and livelihoods have all been lost in villages where the Gorilla Organization is working to make a difference.

Rangers confirm death of silverback Mugaruka

The popular silverback Mugaruka has died after a short illness

World Gorilla Day 2021: 24 Reasons to be Hopeful

On World Gorilla Day 2021, an incredible 24 infant gorillas will be given names at the Kwita Izina celebrations in Rwanda.

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